MEDIA RELEASE | 23 October 2023
A carbon-forestry initiative in the north of state has now expanded Tasmania-wide. Branded ActivAcre, the program offers farmers and landowners an opportunity to earn a reliable, consistent income by leasing land for tree plantations and future focused carbon forestry projects. Landowners receive a risk-free, no-cost income whilst also reaping the benefits of increased productivity through improved shade, shelter and water as will environmental outcomes such as climate change mitigation, and improving biodiversity, soil conservation and water quality.
Tasmanian landowners have long needed to consider options for new and diverse revenue streams so as not to be reliant on one industry. Now is as an important time as any to look at these opportunities. Carbon Forestry is an innovative way to generate a long-term reliable income, whilst adding to the productivity of existing farm activities and enhancing environmental outcomes.
Previously restricted to the north of the state, the opportunity is now accessible to landowners throughout Tasmania.
The program is managed by Tasmanian-owned plantation and natural assets management company SFM, which currently employs 29 staff and manages over 50,000 hectares of plantation resources across southern Australia.
Andrew Morgan, Managing Director of SFM, explained,
ActivAcre was developed in collaboration with farmers as we recognised a large portion of Tasmanian land, between 10- 20%, was underutilised. We sought to consider ways to maximise the productivity of all land with positive environmental and social impacts.
ActivAcre ensures flexibility and customisation, offering Tasmanian landowners tailor-made lease agreements that may include a share in trees or carbon credits, as well as the construction of roads and fences, as needed, as part of the lease offer.
Jason Bolch, SFM’s Acquisitions Manager, has worked in the forest industry for more than two decades. Jason says,
We make it easy for the landowners. The Forest Practices Plan, carbon paperwork, lease agreements are all managed by our team. We assume all the administration, as well as the on-ground work from site establishment, to planting, and ongoing maintenance, with no associated costs or fees.
Underpinning ActivAcre is Sydney based New Forests, a global investment manager of nature- based real assets and natural capital strategies. New Forests vision is to see investment in land use and forestry as key to the transition to a sustainable future.
Integrating trees on farms is more than just an income source. It plays a key role in reducing salinity, waterlogging, wind, and water erosion. Trees improve water efficiency, enhance soil quality, and provide shelter for livestock and crops. When harvested, the wood products replace carbon-intensive materials, contributing to the production of natural, recyclable, and renewable alternatives.
Andrew Morgan, SFM Director, highlighted,
ActivAcre focuses on generating value from both carbon and timber products. This is critical given where we are at with climate change and the future demand for timber in Australia. We need to have programs like this that are flexible in nature and strive to partner with landowners and the community – the right tree in the right place for the right reasons.
Southern Tasmanian landowners interested in learning more about the ActivAcre program are encouraged to attend an information session:
November 1st from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Curringa Farm, 5831 Lyell Hwy, Hamilton TAS 7140.
To secure your spot, RSVP to by October 30.
Contact information:
Andrew Morgan
Managing Director
About SFM
Since their establishment in 2001, SFM has grown a team of highly skilled natural resource professionals who bring together extensive management and technical expertise. They
prioritise sustainable operations while maximising their clients’ financial returns through full turn-key solutions.
SFM now has approximately 50,000Ha of land under management, including 35,000Ha of hardwood and softwood plantation assets. Their portfolio includes plantations across Australia ranging from institutional and corporate assets to aggregated programs, which brings together multiple landowners into combined assets. Their experienced carbon analysts use a data- driven approach to minimise environmental impact and minimise carbon sequestration.
Clear your gorse with new technology.
SFM leading the way in employment diversity
ActivAcre in Action – A Farmer’s Journey
How on-farm benefits, carbon markets and growing demand for timber have tipped the scales in favour of trees.
ActivAcre is an active partnership between industry and farmers
David Brand on ActivAcre and why success depends on everyone rising on the same tide
ActivAcre Program heralds a new era in Tasmanian agroforestry